A high-frequency group container for freedom-driven fempreneurs who want to build an authentic business


What if...

  • You have crystal clarity for your big vision and abundant energy to sprint towards your goals.
  • You show up for yourself every day, no matter what.
  • You have radical self-compassion. You can walk around the world as your own best friend.
  • You have the tools to shift and remain above water. You can stay organized, calm, collected, and focused during the most important moments.
  • It feels safe to be in your body, expanding into new chapters and territory.

Hi, I'm Rahaf

I created Psychology of Breakthrough (POB) to help you create expansion in your life from a place of ease and abundance.

I have a Masters in Psychology from Pepperdine University and am currently a PhD student at Pepperdine.

I created a 6-figure life coaching business where I work with clients so they can become the most authentic version of themselves while manifesting incredible relationships. I work with creatives and entrepreneurs who want to create an aligned & abundant business.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur and skateboarder, and I am trained in energy healing. I am Reiki attuned with level 1 and 2 certifications.

I spent my academic career as a multiculturally competent psychology graduate school professor & scientific researcher at Pepperdine University.

I have taught a class on multicultural counseling to over 200 graduate students. As a multiculturally competent professor, I specialize in creating safe spaces where conversations can authentically happen.

But most importantly...

I know what it's like to have all these dreams and not be able to take action on them. To have your mind ready to take the next step, but your body feels stuck in the mud. I know what it's like to want to be in a good mood all the time, but no matter what, something seems to get you down. I know what it's like to want to wake up and feel incredible, but all you can do is see what's going wrong in your life.

This is exactly why I created POB.

This program is perfect for you if... 

  • You love expanding and want to continue to be the best version of yourself.
  • You are committed to your personal growth and LOVE accomplishing your goals.
  • You want something more out of life. You are ready to break through where you currently feel stuck. 
  • You thrive in the presence of community, support, and accountability.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself and take inspired action towards your goals.
  • You have an open mind and are excited to have more tools in your arsenal.

This program is not for you if... 

  • You are content with where you are in life.
  • You are not committed to making the necessary changes to improve your life. 
  • You are looking for a “quick fix” and/or a shortcut to skip the journey to the dream life.
  • You're not coachable.
  • You don’t believe investing in yourself is one of the most powerful steps toward your desired reality.

You will receive... 

  • 8 modules with jam-packed videos, practices, affirmations, journal prompts, meditations, and tools for the rest of your life.
  • 90-minute weekly group coaching calls with “hot seat coaching” 
  • Membership access to my Kajabi community group space.
  • Access to all workshops/masterclass recordings I’ve ever done. 

Course Outline

Module 1: Intention Setting

By the end of this module, you will feel crystal clear about your intentions for this chapter and have a powerful morning recipe to create an elevated baseline for your day.

Topics that are covered:

  • About your Instructor
  • How to get the most out of this program
  • Set your intentions
  • Create your morning recipe

Module 2: Manifesting & Believing it’s Possible for You

By the end of this module, you will know exactly your values and what limiting beliefs you have writing your story, and intentionally create goals that align with the best version of yourself.

Topics that are covered:

  • Manifestation
  • Values exercise
  • Setting expansive goals
  • Future journal entry exercise
  • Visualization meditation

Module 3: Become Your Own Best Friend

By the end of this module, you will have exactly the tools you need to have unwavering trust in yourself and the high-performing mindset of naturally reframing situations to align with the best version of you.

Topics that are covered:

  • How to be nice to yourself no matter what. Creating a space for creativity & play and showing up for yourself first
  • Giving yourself guilt-free rest time and trusting yourself
  • Positive reframe exercise

Module 4: Vibrate High & Becoming a Taskmaster

By the end of this module, you will know exactly what it feels like to have a routine aligned with your values while also getting your mind and nervous system to get on board with it.

Topics that are covered:

  • Alignment with your routine
  • Inventory of your energy leaks and sources
  • Mindfulness around creating your routine
  • Recruiting your mind and nervous system to get on board

Module 5: Communication & Relationships

By the end of this module, you will have the tools and mindset you need to speak your truths and set boundaries that prioritize your needs. No more saying yes when you knew you wanted to say no.

Topics that are covered:

  • Speaking your truth and building aligned relationships
  • Managing expectations
  • Creating boundaries

Module 6: Mastering Your Emotions

By the end of this module, you will be an emotionally regulated master. Remember, managing your triggers is a lifelong journey, you now have a toolbox to fall back on with a rewired brain.

Topics that are covered:

  • Emotional empowerment
  • Managing triggers
  • Creating an emotion toolbox
  • Mindful breathing

Module 7: Money Mindset

By the end of this module, you will have a clear idea of your limiting beliefs around money and how to transform them and become an open vessel of wealth and abundance.

Topics that are covered:

  • Transform your money mindset
  • Money beliefs & origins
  • Eliminate mental blocks around money
  • Money affirmations

Module 8: Navigating the Landscape of Inner Parts

By the end of this module, you will have a clear idea of what inner parts and shadow work is and how to use this technique everyday as a way to self-soothe and regulate.

Topics that are covered: 

  • Introduction to inner parts & shadow exploration
  • Mapping inner parts
  • Chamber of inner parts meditation
  • Time to fly


Immediately upon enrollment...

Receive your 60-page FILLABLE PDF workbook! This will correspond with all the modules and is perfect for keeping organized.

Testimonials from members... đŸŒ·

These are videos of POB members' experiences. You can also swipe through the written testimonials below.


I had the pleasure of knowing Alex before this container started. Alex enrolled in POB because she is a girl boss business owner who wanted to take action on her bikini brand.

Little did she know that we would uncover so much in her self-concept we needed to dig in for her to become the person she needed to be to own this business successfully. Alex worked through her anxious attachment style, speaking her truth, conquering every day with the fire you DREAMED of having. Except she wasn't dreaming. She is lit up, showing up for this inner work. In a way, that feels SO good for her.

Enjoy her beautiful and authentic words in the video. They capture exactly what this program gets to do for you.

** Alex has been a member of POB for 9 months +


During our work together, Brittney found the creative spark she wanted to bring to life. She is showing up more on social media, cooking healthy food at home, becoming more attuned with her energy, and acting on an aligned business idea.

In the second round of POB, Brittney started taking massive and aligned action on her business idea. She signed up for car wrapping classes, found her flow in it, and solidified who she needed to be to bring in this new chapter of her life. 

** Brittney was a member of POB for 6 months +


Upgrade to VIP 👑 

You have a special opportunity to upgrade to VIP (the most popular):

🌟 Support via voice memo & message on WhatsApp.

The energy of VIP is indescribable. Imagine being fully supported and wanting to hold yourself accountable with every decision in alignment. All you have to do is reach in your pocket.


Mindset Explorers Community 🔌

Your membership in Psychology of Breakthrough gives you access to an interactive community here on Kajabi with the other members of your group. Each week, chat in discussion groups, celebrate wins, and connect with other like-minded and high-vibrational humans.

  How it Works:

  • Once you sign up, first of all-- YAY!! đŸ„ł HUGE celebration.
  • We will immediately be plugged in via email, so if you have any questions, I am already here for you and in your corner.
  • Your Kajabi membership will be activated to access the weekly modules and the Kajabi community, where you will always be plugged into the energy. (For easy access, download the "Kajabi" app and the “Kajabi Communities” app on your phone and log into your account so you can take the membership on the go!)
  • Once you are in, your universe will massively shift before we begin working together. As soon as you join, you've set the intention to receive all the abundance from this program. 
Click here to join!


In the meantime... Wanna make sure we are an aligned fit?

Schedule an office hours call with me below! Let's connect and set the tone for what you want to get out of this program and if it would be a good fit for you. I am so excited to sit with you.

I want to schedule office hours with you 😊