Let's turn that pipe dream into a reality

Hi, I'm Rahaf 😊


I have a Masters in Psychology from Pepperdine University and am currently a PhD student at Pepperdine.

I created a 6-figure life coaching business where I work with clients so they can become the most authentic version of themselves while manifesting incredible relationships. I work with creatives and entrepreneurs who want to create an aligned & abundant business.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur and skateboarder, and I am trained in energy healing. I am Reiki attuned with level 1 and 2 certifications.

I spent my professional career as a multiculturally competent psychology graduate school professor & scientific researcher at Pepperdine University.

I have taught a class on multicultural counseling to over 200 graduate students. As a multiculturally competent professor, I specialize in creating safe spaces where conversations can authentically happen.

✨ I use a humanistic framework. The mentor/coaching relationship we will have together will be unique to you as an individual.

Let's meet with an office hours call

This private expansion container is perfect for you if...

  • You are committed to your personal growth. You love the feeling of accomplishing your goals.
  • You are ready to break through where you currently feel stuck.
  • You thrive in the presence of support and accountability on your journey.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself and take inspired action towards your goals.
  • You have an open mind and are excited to have more personal development tools to carry with you daily.

Why I'm different...

  • I will give you a proven practice that is tailored to you in an authentic and genuine way.
  • As a recent psychology graduate school professor, I will provide you with the psychology education alongside the expansion you will be experiencing. 
  • I know how to create massive change because I do this in my life every day.
  • I am results-driven and goal-oriented.
  • Not only is it my heart’s work, but I am also consistently working with my own life coach—so I practice what I preach, and I am 100% devoted! ❤️

This private expansion container is not for you if…

  • You are not committed to making the necessary changes to improve your life. Without commitment, there is no motivation. And without motivation, there just aren’t enough reasons to create change.
  • You're not coachable.
  • You are looking for a “quick fix” and/or a shortcut to skip the journey to the dream life.
  • You don’t believe that investing in yourself is one of the most powerful steps toward your desired reality.

Client Love 🩵


When Michael and I started working together, his intention was to "create a structured morning routine." Little did he know all the internal work that would uncover.

The level of trust, compassion, and ease is beyond what was anticipated. Watch the testimonial to hear his words.

** Michael was in POB and is continuing to work with me in a Private 1:1 container!


During our time together, something drastic changed - he realized his wildest dreams actually were possible. From there, it was game on - he created a clear plan, and he’s now taking inspired daily action towards each of his goals. He decided which business ideas are most achievable now, refined them into something he can see realistically happening, and is already manifesting opportunities to move the needle. He’s also begun creating fire around his dream Alaskan adventure and is beginning to plan it. Most importantly, he accomplished his biggest goal for POB - waking up and feeling genuinely happy every day as he takes inspired action towards his greatest desires.

**Since POB, J and I have been working in a private 1:1 container


Elliot enrolled in 1:1 Private Coaching with me AND dived into the POB coursework and modules.

Enjoy this candid testimonial at the end of one of my workshops, where Elliot felt called to talk about the magic our work has done for his life. 

Imagine overflowing so much that you want to share the joy in every room you're in. That's expansion.

** Elliot worked with me in a Private 1:1 container


When Franco and I started working together, he told me he wanted to have so many tools he wanted to be a toolmaker. And this happened... and beyond.

During our time together, Franco realized the importance of what the safe space in Psychology of Breakthrough gave him. It allowed him to dive inside and break through walls he didn't even know he had up. He was able to actively work through moments on these calls safely. This was his favorite part. This is what allowed him to keep digging. His world has massively started shifting, and he is so excited for this next chapter. 

** Franco was in POB and works with me 1:1

Are you ready?

  • If you're ready to start living life as the best version of yourself, schedule an office hours call.
  • During this call, we'll explore your intentions and see if we are an aligned fit.
I'm ready! 🌷
I want to work with you 🙋🏻‍♀️